


UpdateObox(windowID, oboxID), UpdateObox(, oboxID), UpdateObox

parameters: Identifier of a Windows and an object box

This operation updates objects in the Object User Box. If the object is not already in the widget, it is inserted as in FillObox. If the object is wide in the widget, then the widget's appearance is updated by re-evaluating the access paths. Accordingly, the same performance notes apply to UpdateObox as to FillObox. If UpdateObox is mainly used to insert new elements, then the elements should be collected in a collection/vector if possible and transferred to the list with a single UpdateObox call.

To update the elements in the ObjectTree , there is the command OboxSet, which updates the selected element.

Call forms

Stack Description
Stack(In) a collection
Stack(Out) -

For each element of the collection on the stack, the corresponding line in the object box is updated. If no entry exists for an object, UpdateObox works like FillObox. If the list was previously sorted, then the list is re-sorted after UpdateObox is called, as updating the objects may have changed their order. Furthermore, the newly added objects must be inserted at the correct position in the list.

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top Index path
Top 1 a collection
Stack(Out) Top -

When the elements of the collection are re-inserted into the Object User Box, the order can be controlled with an index path as with FillObox.

Stack Description
Stack(In) one object
Stack(Out) -

If there is a line in the object box for the object on the stack, it is now updated according to the current data. If there is no entry for the object yet, UpdateObox works like FillObox. If the list was sorted and the sorting by the update is no longer correct, then the list is not automatically re-sorted. Here the list must be explicitly re-sorted by Sort . This behaviour is defined so that an UpdateObox within an iterate loop does not cause the entire list to be re-sorted after each UpdateObox.

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top ]
Top 1 Object On
top 2 Object On-1
. . . . . .
Top-n O1
Top n-1 [
Stack(Out) -

For each object from the stack with a corresponding entry in the Object User Box, the displayed data is updated, otherwise it is inserted as for FillObox. If the list was previously sorted, the list will be re-sorted when UpdateObox is called, as updating the objects may have changed their order. In addition, the newly added objects must be inserted in the correct place in the list.

Note: Only valid objects are included unless the validity check is disabled or the LIST_INVALID flag is set.