


GetSort(windowID, oboxID), GetSort(, oboxID), GetSort

parameters: Identifier of a Windows and an object box

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top
Stack(Out) Top ]
Top 1 Column index n
. . . . . .
Top-n Column index 1
Top n-1 [

or, if only one column was used for sorting:

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top -
Stack(Out) Top Column index

GetSort returns the columns by which the data displayed in an ObjectBox was sorted. "Columns", more precisely: the numbers of the SetFomat statements, are counted starting with zero. The DESCENDING flag means descending sorting, where 1 stands for the 0th column, 2 for the first column, etc: GetSort returns vector [ 2 DESCENDING ]. The sort order determines SetSort command for a following FillObox, UpdateObox or OboxFill, OboxUpdate statement. Data already displayed can be rearranged with Sort (see example).
For structured data, sorting is only applied to objects (childs) that are located under the same parent object. Any set of subordinate objects to a (common) parent object are therefore treated as a kind of sub-list.