



Searches for a monitor object whose class name was passed as a string. The monitor is searched in the slot monitors.

The INTEGER parameter controls whether derived classes from the specified class are also to be taken into account in the search(TRUE) or whether the search is to be restricted to monitor objects with exactly the same class(FALSE).

If no monitor can be found for this class, NULL is returned. If monitors contain multiple monitor objects that are directed by the specified class, the first one is returned.

Code example:
"CX_STOCK_ACCOUNT" TRUE tmpItem Call(Monitor) Dup if
Stack Position Object type Brief description
Stack(In) Top CX_TRANSACTION A transaction
Top 1 INTEGER Specifies whether derived monitors should also be taken into account
top 2 STRING Class name of the monitor object searched for
Stack(Out) Top CX_EXPANDABLE The found monitor object or NULL
Function call: call(monitor)