


Class hierarchy

The Profile Manager controls profiling, i.e. the measurement of the time of individual commands, database operations, etc. Up to version 4.1, the InstantView® Profile command was responsible for this.

A Profile Manager object is able to display itself as a string and reflect the current profiling status. This is either OFF or lists all levels separated by commas.

Code example:
GetManager(PROFILE)          // Profile-Manager-Objekt holen // Das Profile-Manager-Objekt befindet sich nun auf dem Stack String // Objekt als String darstellen => Status ermitteln (z.B. "OFF")

Detailed code example:

Var(filename, flags) "profile.xml" -> filename (-1) -> flags //-1 = 0xFFFFFFFF Profile everything filename GetManager(PROFILE) Put(FileName()) flags GetManager(PROFILE) Call(Start) //Start profiling // ... do stuff GetManager(PROFILE) Call(Stop) //Stop profiling and close file //Setup XML transformation rules CreateTransObject(CX_XML_PROCESSOR) -> xmlProcessor "statement" CX_IV_STATEMENT "@node,entryName,code,uniqueID,time,starttime" "subTransactions" "transaction" xmlProcessor Call(SetTransformRule) "define" CX_IV_MACRO "@node,entryName,name,uniqueID,time,starttime,module,module" "subTransactions" "transaction" xmlProcessor Call(SetTransformRule) "trace" CX_FUNCTION_TRACE "function,uniqueID,time,starttime" "subTransactions" "transaction" xmlProcessor Call(SetTransformRule) "traceinfo" CX_FUNCTION_TRACE "@contents,comment,time,starttime" "subTransactions" "transaction" xmlProcessor Call(SetTransformRule) "message" CX_IV_MESSAGE "@node,entryName,name,uniqueID,time,starttime,module,module" "subTransactions" "transaction" xmlProcessor Call(SetTransformRule) //Prepare root element Var(root) CreateTransObject(CX_PROFILING_SESSION) -> root 0.0 root Put(starttime) //set starttime for root element //Load tree from XML file filename root xmlProcessor Call(Parse) //Calculate durations root "subTransactions" "duration" GetManager(PROFILE) Call(CalculateDurations) //Display the structure in some tree widget ClearObox root FillObox

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
CalculateDurations OBJECT, STRING, STRING
DisableBufferedOutput Switch the buffering of profile outputs on/off.
FileName * Set and read out the file name of the log file
FindIdleHotspots OBJECT, INTEGER
GetCounter STRING INTEGER Reads a specific ObjectStore counter
ResetCounters Resets all ObjectStore counters
SetCountersEnabled INTEGER (TRUE | FALSE) Enables or disables the ObjectStore Counter
Start INTEGER Start profiling
Stop End profiling

* MA = Member Access function,
grey background = inherited function

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
profiling.mod This module controls the profiling of any InstantView® code