


Class hierarchy

Class to assemble an HTTP response (consisting of status code, header and body) in InstantView code via method calls. At the end of a message that handles an HTTP request, the Web service server expects either a string returned with ReturnStack and implicitly converted into an HTTP response object with status code 200. Alternatively, a CX_HTTP_RESPONSE object can be returned directly with ReturnStack .

When an HTTP request is sent via SendRequest , the server response is placed on the stack as a CX_HTTP_RESPONSE object.

The specification of an HTTP response can be found at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-6

Code example:

Incoming GET request

GET /call_person?person_name=Schmidt

Implementation of the message (the two macros "GetPersonFromName" and "FormatPersonAsJSON" are assumed to be implemented)

Var(jsonReturnValue, response)

CALL_PERSON_GET: "person_name" Swap Call(GetParameter) GetPersonFromName FormatPersonAsJSON -> jsonReturnValue
                 CreateTransObject(CX_HTTP_RESPONSE) -> response

                 jsonReturnValue response Call(SetBody)
                 "Content-Type" "application/json" response Call(SetHeader)

                 "Server" "ClassiX/4.5.2" response Call(SetHeader)
                 200 response Call(SetStatus) // not actually neccessary, as this is already the default
                 response ReturnStack

This results in the following outgoing HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 19:20:21 GMT
Content-length: 42
Content-type: application/json

Connection: close
Server: ClassiX/4.5.2

{ "vorname" : "Hugo", "name" : "Schmidt" }

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
GetBody STRING Returns the Reponse Body
STRINGReturns the response body as a base64 encoded string.
STRING Writes the response body to the specified file.
GetHeader STRING STRING Returns the header of the response object
Returns the names of all set headers
GetStatus INTEGER Returns the set HTTP status
GetTime CX_DATETIME Returns the time at which the request has been completely processed
SetBody STRING Defines the body of the response
STRING Sets the response body from a Base64-encoded string
STRING Sets the response body from the content of the transferred file.
SetHeader STRING, STRING Defines the value for a header field
SetStatus INTEGER Defines the status code of the response

* MA = Member Access function,
grey background = inherited function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
status INTEGER HTTP status of the response

* I = Indexable data field,
grey background = inherited data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description