


Class hierarchy
The CX_ACCESS_NODE class provides functionality for determining an optimal path. A graph is constructed with CX_ACCESS_NODE objects as nodes and CX_ACCESS_WAY objects as edges.
The goal is to find the optimal path between any two points (CX_ACCESS_NODEs) in this graph. Optimal here means: the path with minimum cost, where the cost for each path segment is defined by CX_ACCESS_WAY::edgeWeight.
The graph is directed: if there is a path from CX_ACCESS_NODE A to B and from B to A, CX_ACCESS_WAY objects must exist for both paths.
List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
FindRouteWithMsg INTEGER, INTEGER VECTOR<OBJECT> Calculation of the optimal path starting from this object controlled by InstantView code.
FindRouteToObject OBJECT VECTOR<OBJECT> Calculate the optimal route from this object to the target object passed as a parameter.
GetNodePermutations VECTOR<OBJECT>, OBJECT VECTOR<OBJECT> Show all permutations for a path across different nodes.
FindOptimalRoute VECTOR<OBJECT>, OBJECT VECTOR<OBJECT> Calculate the optimal route that reaches all given nodes.
GetDomain INTEGERDomain of this object
GetSiblings COLLECTION All siblings of this object
GetSiblings2 COLLECTION All siblings of this object
SetDomain INTEGER, INTEGER Set domain
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object
Unlink2 Remove this object from the list of objects with validity
VerifySiblings INTEGERCheck ring of exchange objects

* MA = member access function,
greyed out = inherited function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
ways COLL CX_ACCESS_WAY List of all ways to other objects of type CX_ACCESS_NODE.
objects REL_MN CX_EXPANDABLE Partner (CX_PARTNER) or things (CX_ITEM).
uniqueID STRING * Unique key
validity POINTER CX_VALIDITY Validity period of the object

* I = Indexable data field,
greyed out = inherited data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
accnodes.mod Topography basic module
accnoedt.mod Topography editing module
accnosel.mod Topography selection module