



Diese Klassenfunktion erzeugt ein Segment interaktiv( href="de_InstantView_iv0555#Example1">Beispiel)

InstantView®-Code für die interaktive Definition neuer Datenbanken, neuer Segmente und Root-EP-Collections

    Var(segment, repCollection)


-> omgr  // we need the object manager   

    Group(groupDB, SELECT_MULTIPLE, 11, 5, 470, 45, "Database")
      Prompt(11, 11, "Path")
      String(CXS_DATABASE::path, 120, 11, 300)  // to enter path of database file

      Button(FONT(0), 18, 28, 70, 7, "create")
      [ SELECT: omgr Call(NewDatabase) // create new CXS_DATABASE object


DrainWindow(, groupDB)  // write input data from GUI into object


SendMsg(UPDATE_DATABASES) // update list of database below (in next group)

    Group(groupSeg, SELECT_MULTIPLE, 11, 50, 470, 70, "Segment")
      Prompt(11, 11, "Name")
      String(CXS_SEGMENT::name, 120, 11, 300)  // to enter the name of the segment

      Prompt(11, 24, "in Database")
      ObjectCombobox(CXS_SEGMENT::database, 120, 24, 300, 32)   // to specify the database
        UPDATE_DATABASES: ClearObox

                          omgr Call(GetDatabases) FillObox  // display all databases to allow for interactive selection

      Prompt(11, 37, "Split threshold")

      Integer(CXS_SEGMENT::threshold, 120, 37, 80)  // to enter threshold value for segment splitting

      Button(b0, DEFAULT, 18, 52, 70, 7, "create")
      [ SELECT: omgr Call(NewSegment) -> segment  // create new CXS_SEGMENT object


segment DrainWindow(, groupSeg)  // write input data from GUI into object


SendMsg(UPDATE_SEGMENTS)        // update list of segments below (in next group)

    Group(groupColl, SELECT_MULTIPLE, 11, 125, 470, 70, "Collection")
      Prompt(11, 11, "Name")
      String(CXS_REP_COLLECTION::name, 120, 11, 300)  // to enter the root entry point name

      Prompt(11, 24, "in Segment")
      ObjectCombobox(CXS_REP_COLLECTION::segment, 120, 24, 300, 32) // to select a segment to store the collection
        UPDATE_SEGMENTS: ClearObox

                         omgr Call(GetSegments) FillObox  // disply all segments to allow for interactive selection

      Prompt(11, 37, "Type")

      Enum(CXS_REP_COLLECTION::type, 100, 37, 80, 35)  // to select a type: SET, LIST, BAG, or ARRAY

      Button(FONT(0), 18, 52, 70, 7, "create")
      [ SELECT: omgr Call(NewREPCollection) -> repCollection   // create new CXS_REP_COLLECTION object


repCollection DrainWindow(, groupColl) // and write input data from GUI into object


Stack Position Objekttyp Kurzbeschreibung
Stack(Out) Top CXS_SEGEMENT  

Funktionsaufruf: Call(NewSegment)