


On the subject of multilingualism, see also the documentation on text constants in the system!
Negative language indications are not allowed.


Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top k ( positive integer)
Stack(Out) Top -

sets the k-th language as the current language of the ClassiX® system. All currently visible and suitable window objects change their display accordingly.
In addition, the currently set language has an influence on:

  • Operations with multiple character strings (CXB_MULTIPLE_STRING)
  • the transformation of enumeration values into their external representation and vice versa.
  • external strings - these are all error messages, the name of the days of the week, etc. - (class CXS_XSTRING)


Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top k ( positive integer)
Stack(Out) Top -

sets the k-th language as the basic language. This is the language that is used if a text is not available in the desired (i.e. currently set) language. In this case, a language should be chosen which is complete in any case. This is always the case with languages 0 (German) and 1 (English).


Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top k
Stack(Out) Top -

sets the k-th language without window objects changing their appearance. This version of the instruction is suitable for a short-term invisible change of the current language.


Returns the index of the current language.

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top -
Stack(Out) Top k

The real language behind the indices 0, 1, ... is hidden behind the indices 0, 1, ... is contained in the file of the external character strings managed via class CXS_XSTRING.